What will a fairer and more democratic economy look like? We know this one isn’t working. Less obvious is a clear vision for the future--a blueprint for the society we want and need. From worker-owned factories to the movement for black lives, the seeds of that society are already sprouting. Growing them further means telling better stories not just about what’s wrong with this economy, but how a new one--run by and for the 99 percent--can put food on the table and bring dignity to our work.
This summer, CommonBound is where this vital work will converge. And now you can be a part of building it: Register today to join us in Buffalo this summer, July 8-10.
CommonBound will bring together people with powerful visions for the future: a cross-section of community leaders, thinkers, and practitioners from around the world, including the New Economy Coalition’s 140-plus member organizations. Participants will share strategies and stories, build relationships, highlight achievements, and chart a shared path toward a society that puts people and planet first.
Few places tell the story of the New Economy better than Buffalo, a city faced with the same disinvestment that has torn through countless towns and cities along America’s Rust Belt, and is now charting its path toward sustainable, community-led development. That’s why we’re thrilled to bring over 700 people there in July, to learn skills and solutions from the leading edge of the New Economy in Western New York and across the US and Canada.
Toward this end, it’s the movement itself that will be driving CommonBound’s programming. NEC member organizations and allies are putting together 16 workshop tracks on some of today’s most pressing issues, including:
- Democratizing energy systems in the face of accelerating climate change
- Racial justice, and building an economy where black lives and liberation matter
- Worker ownership and community enterprise as vehicles for economic democracy
- ...and much more!
Volunteer teams are also organizing 13 network gatherings, happening the first day of the conference (Friday, July 8). Network gatherings are day-long sessions to build our shared capacity with new tools and big ideas. You can sign up to attend a network gathering by registering for CommonBound. Although we encourage you to sign up for the entire conference, there is a discounted registration option just for network gatherings.
Ticketing for CommonBound is on a sliding scale (starting at $90) with a limited number of scholarships available. To make this conference as accessible and affordable as possible, we ask that you pay an amount that reflects your needs and income.
Also, we're still accepting proposals for sessions through April 12th! Click here to submit a workshop, training, panel, or other sessions.